Radosław Rogóż
Race Division Ultra
World championship discipline U50
Age 43
Town Łoziska
Citizenship Poland
Club #ultratrack race team


Previous Glocknerman-participations: 0
Size (cm): 171
Weight (kg): 62
Training kilometers/ year: 18000
Bicycle: Trek Emonda Trek Speed Concept

Previous achievements
Race Arround Austria 2017 - 14th place
Race Across Italy 2017 - 7th place
Ring of 1000 Lakes 610km Poland 2016 - 1st place
BBT1008km Poland - 2014 and 2016 finisher

How did you get into extreme cycling?
After my first randonneurs 200km brevet which I finished on MTB machine I decided to be an ultracyclist. It was 5 or 6 years ago. In my opinion I became an ultracyclist when I finished RAA last Year.

What were your most beautiful and hardest bike experiences?
RAA 2017.

At Glocknerman, a large proportion of participants do not always reach the goal. Why are you convinced that you belong to the finisher?
I am not sure I will finish, but I will definitely try.

How do you motivate yourself for a challenge like the Glocknerman?
This is the revenge with The Hochtor mountain, which almost broke me on RAA.

I get supported in sports from?
Only from my friends and family.

How do you prepare for the Glocknerman?
Just cycling according to my trainning plan.

How do you manage to endure extreme stress?
Just cycling, this is the only one cure for stress. In fact before the race i try to spend a lot of hours cycling alone, in the extremally low temperture. But during the race ... hmm I don't remember.

What's your motto?
Bike or die

Radosław Rogóż - Glocknerman Ultra 2018